
PADIMAN porridges are formulated by our Nutritionist to provide your children with protein and Tetrahydrate. Our children porridges are tasteful, soft, nutrient rich and balanced, most importantly, it is easy to digest and absorb by the children. PADIMAN porridges do not add any flavors, no salt, no sugar, no artificial coloring or preservatives and contains no heavy metal as well.

Ingredients: Calrose Rice, Organic White Quinoa, Organic Millet, Purple Bario Ric, Red Bario Rice, Carlose Brown Rice, Polenta.

  • Gluten-Free
  • Non- GMO
  • No Preservative

Content weight: 1kg

PADIMAN porridges are often known as the perfect children food after milk food. This is because our children porridges are Gluten Free (Gluten mainly come from : wheat, black wheat, swallow, etc.). which, can reduce the amount of children abdominal, abdominal hyperinflation, etc. Moreover, it can reduce the risk of Gastrointestinal tract is sensitive to the stomach.

Our children porridges are suitable for the vegetarian children because this product does not contain Gluten, milk, eggs and soy and other commonly-sensitized foods. The best foods for children are the foods with balanced intake that are naturally and without many additives.

Storage: Keep in a cool dry place

Content weight: 1kg